Turning information into insight and organizational intelligence 

Organizational review is the process to collect, organize, analyze, interpret, and share relevant information to enable the strengthening of the organization. The purpose of organizational review is to enhance organizational success through the development of insight and intelligence about the organization. 

There are 3 main purposes for organizational assessment or review: 

  • Strategic - Providing critical insights needed to develop and launch new directions, goals, objectives, and priorities. Serves as a foundation for strategy development and implementation.
  • Foundational - Ideal for launching new projects or initiatives, this type of assessment collects and analyzes information needed about the goals, stakeholders, expected benefits, impacts, and other related information.  Key to success of project and change management efforts.
  • Improvement - Focused on identifying ways to improve organizational performance and results.  Results often lead to improvements in processes, structure, skill development, revenue generation, and cost reduction initiatives. 


For more information on Organizational Review services, contact Sonia Alvarez-Robinson (sonia@consulting.gatech.edu) or Juana Cunningham (juana@consulting.gatech.edu).